29 September, 2010


Cave temples had been used in Sri Lanka since ancient times, fine examples if these include the magnificent cave temple complex inDambulla built by king Valagamba. Cave temples has preserved some of the best examples of Sinhalse art and Sinhalese architecture. In the years gone by of monarchy rule in ancient Sri Lanka the rock cave shelters cloistered in the recess of the forests served the recluse Buddhist monks in performing their meditation chores and other religious observances. Such cave hermitages were patronised by the ruling kings of the time, chieftains and the people as well. As the years passed, such cave shelters turned into len viharas (cave temples) and len avasas(abodes of Buddhist monks). Such len (cave shelters), were gifted by the kings, queens, and other nobles of the royalty. Foremost among such noble chieftains were the paramukas (chieftain of royal rank holding multiple designations).

Source : Wikipedia [ The free Encyclopedia ]

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