20 October, 2010


Sri Lanka had always been an important port and trading post in
the ancient world,and was increasingly frequented by merchant 
ships from the Middle East, Persia,Burma ,ThailandMalaysia
,Indonesia and other parts of SoutheastAsia. The islands were 
known to the first European explorers of South Asia and settled 
by many groups of Arab and Malay merchants.
Portuguese colonial mission arrived on the island in1505 headed  
by Lourenço de Almeida, the son of Francisco de Almeida. At that 
point the island consisted of three kingdoms, namely Kandy in the 
central hills,Kotte at the Western coast, and Yarlpanam 
(Anglicised Jaffna) in the north. The Dutch arrived in the 17th century. 
Although much of the coastal regions of the island came under  the 
domain of European powers, the interior, hilly region of the island 
remained independent, with its capital in Kandy.
The British East India Company took over the coastal regions
island controlled by the Dutch in 1796, in 1802 these provinces 
were declared a crown colony under direct rule of the British 
government, The annexation of the Kingdom of Kandy in 1815 
by the Kandyan convention, unified the island under British rule.
Source : Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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