Let us take an imaginary glimpse of the island as it was about
two centuries after the introduction of Buddhism, and at the
condition of those provinces where dense forest now enfolds the
remains of mighty cities. Ceylon was the chief emporium of the
eastern world. The merchant fleets of India, China, Persia,and
Arabia entered its ports with silks, carpets,cloth of gold,
sandalwood, horses, chariots, and slaves.
There they met not only to "barter with one another, but to traffic
with the Singhalese,whose gems were coveted by the nobles and
princes of every country. There was no king in India whose wealth
could compare with that of the ruler of Ceylon, and the precious
products of his dominions readily commanded ample supplies of
the luxuries of other nations.The Singhalese had no need thems-
elves to convey their parcels of pearls, sapphires, and rubies to
distant countries. Such wealth brought their wants to their very
doors. Wherefore no vessel of their own is visible amongst the
motley throng that ride at anchor within the harbours so bountifully
provided by nature A few small dhoneys constructed of planks sewn
together by threads of coir serve all local requirements, and as yet
they have no fleet.
Source : Historic Books of Sri Lanka.
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